(Sometimes there is no reason for existence, no reason to thrive, absolutely no reason to survive and in the journey towards death, living until the end – a challenge that seems impossible)

She and her indifferent ways

Ways I cannot fathom, neither can others

Others they point fingers, laugh at her

And she laughs back at them

Not a flicker of pain passes over her face

Her hurts are buried deep within layers of inscrutability

I am puzzled by her behavior

For she is carrying upon herself, an unquestionable burden

An unnecessary encumbrance

No, she is not a celebrity

Not someone even remotely famous

Perhaps, she is very ordinary

Perhaps, she is a nobody

A self-proclaimed martyr

I don’t think she is meant for others to understand

She will go away from this world as easily and effortlessly she came into

Thousands won’t mourn her death

But she will leave a void in lives of some people that will never be filled

Yet she has a sole purpose

To guide me forward

No, she is not a philosopher

I do not learn the mysteries of universe from her

But she keeps me sane

She makes me believe

Makes me believe in a bigger picture

A better future

As I navigate through an uncertain present

She shows me the unearthed good in the past I buried long ago

When I cry, when I hurt; She doesn’t wipe my tears

She amplifies my endurance

When all seems lost & the ground I walk on trembles

She becomes the crutches that help me to stand

When I jump from a cliff, she doesn’t catch me

Instead gives me wings so that I can navigate my own flight

When I am drowning, she is not the ship that rescues me

Instead she teaches me to swim against the tide

Deep down I know she is my wellwisher

Though usually I never fathom her ways

She is not the answer to my every question

Instead she creates more questions than I can answer

Yet she makes me who I am

Yet she holds me up when I am down


People call her a bitch, so do I

People call her difficult, so do I

People call her strange, so do I

And all those tags are justified

When I see my closed ones suffering

When I cannot salvage any hope

When I am sick and tired, wounded and hurt

When I am carrying the burden of broken relationships

When I am too afraid to trust & too scared to move forward

Then in all fairness, She becomes UNFAIR

She still smiles at me

Mocks at my innonence

And though she longs to hug me & say its alright

At difficult times, even she is the servant of circumstance

But sometimes, She is lovely

Fresh as the spring breeze

Warm as the summer sun

Pure as the snowy white

And pleasant as the drizzling rain

And so…

People call her sweet, so do I

People call her love, so do I

People call her a blessing, so do I

And all those tags are justified

When laughter surrounds my near & dear

When the one I love makes my day

When friends are my biggest strength

When genuine smiles are not far away

In a world, in which, every single day

I make efforts & efforts to SURVIVE

The more you obtain, only when you learn to GIVE

As I struggle everyday just to THRIVE

She shows me what’s it to LIVE


She is ME

She is WE


She is a PART

She is a PIECE

She is a HALF

Even the WHOLE



And Every feeling that I STOLE

You know who she is

Yet you deny

‘coz your innocence evaporated

With the youth

You surround yourselves with lies & deception

And move farther away from the truth

Her going away is not in her hands either

And she is scared for us, you know

When we fail to appreciate the little things

And just give up & don’t grow

She is afraid that she will have to leave early

Even before she makes you understand

And alone, you will get stranded in the darkness

Sinking helplessly in the quicksand

Embrace her before it’s too late

‘coz trust me, even animals SURVIVE

But it takes lot of courage

To break the chains

And admit that you are ALIVE

With joys & happiness in PLENTY

And sorrows that are RIFE

She is that invisible GOD

For she is…………….LIFE


She rolled lazily on her bed…..It had been a long day and a tiring one too. She thought, maybe writing about it will make her feel better. She opened her diary. She couldn’t remember the last time, she had had time to write something in it. She remembered the times when she used to write pages and pages of feelings in her diary. Gone were those days. These days she hardly had time to interact with others, let alone interacting with herself….

But today was different. She needed an outlet to give her frustration a release. She found a blank page and began writing……


“I rush through the already drenched streets… the people, the shops, the surroundings appear blurry. I can hardly make out the shapes and colors. I have only been out on the streets for 5 minutes and I am already soaking wet!

This damn rain, I exclaim. It came a week earlier than predicted. I still haven’t extracted my umbrella/raincoat from wherever it is gathering dust from past one year. I might even need some new rain-gear, I think. I bet, it will rain for a few days and stop. Then it will get more hot than usual. It has been a lousy summer. I don’t want more soaring temperatures.

How abominable! Trust, public transport to breakdown right now! Naahh….doesn’t disappoint me. Waiting for some mode of transport to reach home….Oh shucks, I will have to walk home in this downpour! Chaotic streets, water everywhere, mud puddles…ewwww.!! Oh my brand new Levis’. And hell, I paid a fortune for those shoes. My gucci bag!!!! I hope my wallet’s okay. My phone!!!! My iPod!!! Oh god, all my stuff is in mortal danger…..

Rains are such a pain in the neck!!!! Ahhh…finally I see home….Climbing the stairs ….@@@**$%…WTF…..Plunged into darkness! What the hell is this? Power-cut!!! Again??? Haven’t there been enough in the last 2 weeks???    

It has already been an hectic day at the office…..I am soaked to skin…..I am shivering like crazy….My shoes are caked in mud AND NOW, a POWER-CUT!!! Disgusting!

Oh thank god, I could atleast save my phone, my iPod, my money from this mayhem. Phheww! A sigh of relief…I need to take care of those shoes though.

I hate rains! They spell nothing but trouble! Filthy! Dirty! I could even sue them, if that were possible.

I hope I don’t get sick. I cannot afford to miss office. Way too much work, deadlines to meet, peer pressure. How will I bear the huge burden if I lose any more days??? I think I might have a nervous breakdown because of these rains.

God! How much I hate them. RAINS, GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!!!!”


She closed the diary, still frustrated. It was such a bleak day, so damn irritating because of the rains. She had showered with hot water, put on clean clothes and lay on her bed writing this out. She neither had the energy nor the wish to talk with her family or anyone else. It was past 23:00 hours and she has a long day ahead tomorrow. Gotta sleep now….

But, sleep was eluding her. She rummaged through her cupboard and found her old diaries. These should be fun to read, she thought. She picked an old one and started flipping through the pages….

Suddenly, a vaguely familiar entry caught her eye. Hmmm…..2006…5 years ago…..Interesting…..It had the same tittle as of her entry today….amused, she began reading…..


“I giggled as I sprinted across the streets. All seemed blurry as if my eyes exuded water. Yet, all was colorful. I could make out shapes of people & brightly lit shops. And sooooooooo much green. It seemed like paradise. I glanced at the people rushing around me….eager to get away from the rains…cursing it, fleeing away from it. No way, I could EVER do that! Ha! My laughter, mocked at their stupidity. Oh come on, how can you be so stupid to run away from rains??? The weather’s so cool. Yippee.

I jumped from one puddle to another. This was so much fun.

Trains late? No problem….I get more time to spend with these first showers of the month!

No transport to get home? No problem….Good excuse to give to Mom if she asks why am I so wet!

I don’t care. These are the first showers! For 3 long months, the heat has taunted us, teased us, made us go crazy, kept us sweltering and TODAY, finally, it’s giving us the much needed relief.

I reach home jumping with enthusiasm. Power-cut, Mom says. Oh boy, this will be fun. Fun to eat dinner in candle light. My clothes are so wet, they are sticking to my body. My bag’s a mess. My phone’s working atleast. And the money? Well, I have hardly more than 100 bucks. These will dry out in the sun tomorrow. No harm done. 

Happily, I eat my dinner. I go in my room and sit near the window staring out. I have a book in my lap and a flashlight in one hand. Mom will kill me if she sees me reading like this. But, this is so cool.                                                                                                                                                I sit by the open window….listening to the soft sound of the rain… has become a light drizzle now….I smell the pleasant fragrance of the wet mud…wow…I just love rains….”    

She let the diary fall from her hands. It was getting wet. Wet with the tears that cascaded down her cheeks. The sheer joy and innocence of a time not so long ago was being washed away by the tears of frustration that had accumulated in the last few years. She buried her face in her hands and wept. She couldn’t believe that once, she was this innocent girl. A girl who found joy in all little things in life. A girl who “lived” and not just “existed”. A girl who cared more about feelings and emotions rather than gadgets and clothes and money and all material things. She didn’t seem to understand as to how she had come to this point her life.

Dhhhhadammmm…..It thundered. Startled she peered through the window. It was still raining heavily. Probably more heavily than before. She reached out to see, whether the window was securely locked and then suddenly thought….what if…? What if, were this window open? It would flood the room. It would douche my stuff. It would make a mess. Should I (open it), she thought. I am wearing fresh clothes now and how can I afford to get sick, she reasoned. There is so much to do tomorrow, I should probably sleep, she concluded. 

As she turned around, she once again caught sight of the diary still laying on the floor….displaying that old slightly smudged from the tears, entry, made 5 years ago.

Laughing knowingly, she threw the window open and stretched out her arms in a welcoming gesture. As the pure rain drops splashed across her face drenching her, you could see the slight smile forming on her lips. 

As the rain seeped through her clothes into her heart, she felt a genuine calm spreading through her entire body. An eternal bliss embracing her…..peace…..tranquil peace…..Her smile widened as she softly muttered to herself…”I love you Rains…Welcome Back….”




(How the very existence as a human being throws us into a turmoil to fight the greatest inner war that man has been fighting ever since birth. How nothing is wrong or right but the personal quest to obtain the gift of life draws our strength to almost the breaking point to fight those immortal entities that we ourselves used as stepping stones in the first place. How no loss, no win is permanent as little battles are encountered every day and what is expected of us is not to set our sights for the end but to keep on trying until the end…….)



You are fighting a losing battle they say

Oh you could never win this way

Join us they confidently exclaim

This common cult, they ask me to proclaim

We are the ones to whom you belong

We are the ones who will be there lifelong

Join us and let us all be one

Join us till the work is done

I try to hide and let them pass

I bide my time to run away

‘coz once I get entangled in their clutches

I will never be able to leave this way

I have to survive and have to thrive

As I fight & fight with all my might

As I realize I am not just fighting for my own self

But for the basic human right

At times when my energy is low

I move unsure-ly to their side

Until I get the strength to put myself back on

Until by my promises can I abide

I fight to keep my identity intact

I fight to be who I am

I fight till I get forlorn and weak

I keep fighting till the day end

They are the ones who plant obstacles in my path

And pull me down as I climb higher

They are the shadows the block my success

And against my happiness do they conspire

They remind me of the five fingers on my hand

They are greed, lust, money, fame & power

They follow me silently & test my tolerance

To see where I falter in the need of hour

Although the five are a part of everyone’s life

We struggle to keep them in check

And let them grow strong to rule us so

And unintentionally throw our life in a wreck

They lure us in their web of deceit

They entice us in their dirty dance

They grow to a point when they consume us all

And we keep doing things in a trance

We forget we are their masters

And lose the control

And let them turn us into slaves

And forget our role

But some time some day some one like me

Decides to end it for once and for all

And gear up to fight against them so

Before I know my downfall

‘coz I know that time is scarce

It will take a lot of effort for me to outlast

And not fall in the trap that every man falls in

To not lose hope & sink into din

The “greed” reminds me of things I want

The past demons that come and haunt

Show me what I am about to lose

As the craving comes to taunt

The “lust” looks me directly in the eye

True feelings in me continue to die

Dares me to rise against it so

To end its reign and let true love flow


The “money” proves as the shrewd dictator

As it is a part & parcel of every life

You never know when it grows into you

And consumes you from the inside


The “fame” is a fickle friend

It carries you up to the top

And its the one that pushes you down

Till your glory comes to a stop


The “power” is unsteady until the end

And when more, corrupts to distend

As it kills the heart & takes over the mind

The power of a power one of  its kind


And although these five are essential in life

They are the ones that drag us into strife

No sooner than are we old enough to defend

Each portion of life we begin to amend


The untarnished innocence we had as a child

The running carefree in the wild

Those little things that we thought as great

Have gone from being strong to mild


And one day the truth dawns upon us

How each man must fight his fight

Survival of the fittest they say

A dark age without any light


And with this in mind, I stand up to rise

With past experiences that have made me wise

With the knowledge that its not that I’ll die when the battle looms ahead

But its when I stop “trying” that I will wind up as dead …….


The little girl and God

The little girl was sad. She was growing up and she began realizing how bad the world was. How deceitful were the people. Even close ones were suddenly strangers. Her own people paraded with masks of greed and deception. Relationships, as she knew, were in mess. Just a couple of good people in her life remained. Only them, could she trust. But the world didn’t like it. The rest of them, so wanted her to be like them. They were snatching her away and she wanted to hold on to the few good ones that remained. Thus, began a struggle. A constant vigilance. A never-ending battle to maintain sanity. To maintain relationships. To maintain life.

Anybody can exist. But, the little girl wanted to live….

The little girl folded her hands and looked up to the sky. She knew, God, today was going to answer her questions. She believed in him. She didn’t seek easy solutions to her problems. She just wanted answers to her questions and a little strength to face the world.

The early morning sun had scattered its reddish hue over the sky. The wispy white clouds looked like cotton engravings over a masterpiece. God wasn’t flesh and blood. God was a presence. God was a voice. God was a power reflected in nature’s painting.

The little girl asked God, “What is the difference between relation and relationships?”

God replied, “Relations are mandatory. As soon as you are born, you get related to so many people by default. And you carry these relations all your life. Relationships are different. You develop them. They are entirely your choice. They are the ones that keep relations alive. They are the ones that transform relations from being an obligation to being an asset. Not relations in life convert to relationships. But that doesn’t mean you have to distance yourself away from all. Value your relationships and keep those relations close. You never know, which relation might turn into a beautiful relationship.”

The little girl pondered. The mystery had slowly started unraveling itself. She asked again, “What is pure love? What boundaries does it have?”

God smiled and said, “There is nothing in the world called pure love, ‘coz love itself symbolizes purity. Love is a power even greater than me. Love is magic. There are no boundaries, no limitations. Simply becoz it doesn’t follow any constraints. Love is freedom. Love is understanding. If you love someone deeply, nothing remains between the two of you. Becoz your souls unite to form a single one. You may live separately physically but your heart beats to the same rhythm. Love is, when you realize, that you both are living the same life without any hidden motives.”

“Yes thats how it is”, the little girl thought. Then she suddenly remembered the cause of her anger. The very cause of the struggle she was facing. She asked with sudden agitation, “Is that so? Then- Why are people so bad? Why my own people act so weirdly? Why can’t they think beyond normal things? Why do they have to be so negative? Why do they keep pointing fingers? Why can’t they understand the purity of love? Why do they think its tainted? Why???”

God chuckled at the little girl’s innocence. She had a lot to learn. She had a long life ahead and he wanted her to be strong for further battles. He knew she had that strength in her. It reflected in her character. He knew she was a fighter.

After her sudden outburst, the little girl felt a sense of calm around her. She relaxed and waited patiently for God to reply.

God answered, “Not all people can think beyond the obvious. Not all of them are good. And you can’t please everyone. Love is a complicated thing. Its not easy. There will be many more people in life who see it as a tainted thing. Purity is a concept accessible only to a few. Fingers will point and tongues will wag. But believe in yourself, believe in love. There is nothing greater than it. Whatever you do but at the end of the day if you think the connection still remains, the attachment still lingers then worry not. Whatever the other people may try to do, your love, your faith will endure everything. It doesn’t need hands to fight back or a mouth to curse back. Silence is its most profound weapon.

It may take long. But one day, you’ll reach the beyond and then these petty things, these annoying people won’t matter much. ‘coz love will fill the space and purity will engulf everything around you. Have patience. The day is not far. With love that you have inside you; here is your heaven on earth……”

The little girl closed her eyes and absorbed God’s words. They were her hope. She smiled softly to herself and placed one hand on her beating heart and felt the presence of a soul inside her. A soul that she shared with a person separated by a physical distance of thousand miles but a love that encompassed all boundaries…………..



(The worst gift that you can give to the person you love the most is that of “waiting”. Because an eternity passes away yet you do not know when “the wait” will end. You do not know for how long it will stay. You do not know whether it will let you come back or force you to go away forever. Never to return. Never to look back. Never to rekindle the hopes of the ones waiting for you. The longing of being united..the longing of coming back…the longing for memories shared only in dreams….the longing of relationships that could have been……)

I wait for the time to pass

And come to that particular day

A day I had lived in the past

A day that took you away

Now it will repeat itself

Now it will live again

A day as insignificant as any other

A day that even time could not contain

I set my eyes on memories so old

An emotion so complex that words can’t hold

A separation that tears apart the very existence

A ballad of sentiments that remained untold

A touch of hope and that of despair

A joy unlimited yet bonded by care

A love so strong that it consumed all

Of protected instincts that were laid bare

A voice of sadness that trickles from the lips

A scarlet river like the blood that drips

A pain so profound that it perishes all

Like an unknown destination of many a ships

I still stand by the window

and count the stars

A lost memory

that we proclaimed ours

Left behind are

the broken threads

Left behind

a handful of scars

I am wiping out the proof

of pleasure and pain

The insolent dance

of sunshine and the rain

And withhold all happiness

till I reach that day

Till I gather the smiles

yet again

I thought waiting forever

had made me strong

Had took me beyond

what’s right & wrong

Still, as moments

come to close once & for all

I feel as if

I’ve forgotten the song

Years so many

were easy to pass

But months so few

I can’t outlast

And when the countdown

reaches to days

I will be left picking up

fragments of broken glass

I am here physically

but my mind’s elsewhere

I hear voices but pretend

not to care

It isn’t necessary that I indulge in

common things

Of everyday happenings

I don’t seem aware

I live in a world

fueled by imagination

That seeks out paths

to lost destinations

No language to express

just kingdom of silence

Yet I hold

perfectly sane conversations

I know nothing now

except the very end

A longing of

a distant & dear friend

An affection that surpassed

great understandings

So there’s nothing left now

to comprehend……


All those who listen to Westlife might know of their popular song, “I have a dream….”

Sometimes I wonder whether life is really as positive and as colorful as described in the song. Do our beliefs really have the potential to conquer any damn thing in this world? Is life really as easy as this….that we get anything that we wish for….that all are dreams are born to be fulfilled….that all desires that originate in our hearts set to reach their destination…

I used to think, all dreams get fulfilled. But its not so. Some remain buried in the heart forever….not to be forgotten but to remind us that at some point of the time when we had the control of our life, we never took it. We let ourselves to be carried away with the flow and now we look back and regret that life is not what we wanted it to be!!!

What remains back are shadows of the past that keep on haunting…

If you have the strength to fight back, perhaps its never too late. Now may be the time to get up and set things right. What never manifested when there was a time for it, perhaps can return on different time-lines. There was afterall, never a WRONG time to do the RIGHT thing!

It’s how we feel within ourselves—-

I HAVE a dream   OR

I HAD a dream


They say, with passing time, you get used to all sorts of things. How wrong. There’s one thing, you could never get habituated to— DEATH! Death of a loved one!

What could be worse a pain? A pain of losing a parent, a pain of losing a child, a pain of losing a sibling, a pain of losing a friend, a pain of losing anyone whom you have loved and cherished in life.

Life is never easy. It puts us through all sorts of exams and tests before and teaches us the lesson afterwards. But above all, life is unpredictable. You never know what turn it will take. You never know how fast or slow it will move. You never know what it will unfold in front of you.

The moment you begin to think, everything’s fine, something happens. Suddenly, from a perfect picture you are thrown in a bleak and gloomy one.

If you have lost someone dear, you’ll know what it means. How tears never cease and sorrow never diminishes. How nights suddenly seem longer and sleep so elusive. How the love in you is waiting to pour out, yet the hate in you gradually builds up.

For just once I wish, I could understand, how the mind of death works…..

Why do people whom we love the most are taken away quickly?

Why is it that bad people who do all sorts of wrong live a long and healthy life while the good ones pass away?

Even if these questions are answered, the unpredictability and unexpectability of life will not stop to exist.

We take everything so much for granted. We hurt our own people, behave as we like, simply because we know there will be a tomorrow.

But the truth is, theres never a tomorrow, theres only a today.

If you want to say Sorry, say it today.

If you want to say I love you, say it today.

If you want to set something right, do it today.

For tomorrow, may never dawn in your life or someone else’s life.

Now is the time. This is the time that is true. Rest all is just an illusion.

Death isn’t the culprit. The culprit is our own thoughts. Our attachments. Our relationships.

In reality no one is to blame. For if we have the right to enjoy the greatest joy in the world, we have the obligation to go through the greatest sorrow of all times.

Its surprising, how quickly we get over it, later on. We continue our normal life. That doesn’t mean, our love for someone was mediocre. Its just that, we realize, we still have a life to live. Our work on this earth is still not over. And until we ourselves leave this realm, we have to move on.

After all, you get used to live without people. Maybe, you won’t get over with the happening of the death, but you can live without the person.

You know, what is more difficult.

What is difficult is, To laugh without people in life…

To be happy without people in life…

To form memories without people in life…

Because, at the end of the day, that’s what remains—MEMORIES.

Sometime when you are alone, this collection of memories is all that you have to cherish and remember people as they were AND it is accompanied with the hurt that the person who helped you form those memories will never help you form a bunch of other ones…

With this post I salute the human spirit in us that makes us strong that we are able to bear the loss of near and dear ones. I dedicate this post to all those of you, who have lost a many. Life is not immortal but memories are. And after all, death is the only certainty of life. May your memories help in filling out the void created by the people who left you and are gone forever.

(Read earlier posts)



Often I wonder, how much other people’s opinions matter to us. How much we are dependent on others to give us a clean-chit. Its as if we love to be commented upon. Commented on each and every thing about us; about how we do a particular thing to how we dress or how we look. It means a great deal to us.

We expect opinions from all people. Our family and friends, our neighbors and even people whom we don’t even know. But, do we wonder, why exactly do we want others comments and opinions?

Expecting opinions might be a sign of improvisation. We welcome suggestions that will help us to be better individuals. We count upon our near and dear ones to correct us when we are wrong, to show us the right way, to learn from our mistakes and to be careful in future.

Its true how much we look forward for a response from people. Its not only about improvisation but also about feeling appreciated. A word of encouragement, a word of appreciation, a word of gratitude makes us feel wanted.

BUT then,we start being over-dependent on these things. We take every statement to the heart. Every little opinion counts.

It matters to us when people say bad about us. We cry over trivial things. We get upset because someone didn’t approve of our doings.

We sulk for days when people curse us, when they talk bad about us.We think about useless things.


I know, honest and sincere words are always welcome. Criticism is always a help.

But we should understand the difference between people who want to help us and those you just like to make us miserable.

People act so cynical at times. They speak good on our faces and show their true colors once we turn our back to them. Some of them are not satisfied with anything. It doesn’t matter to them just how you are going to behave. They will find faults with everything. 

The best way to deal with such people is to ignore them. Strangers are easy to over-look. However, surprisingly, you realize the presence of such people within close family members too. It becomes difficult to accept that near & dear ones can go to such degrading levels.

But then, it takes all sorts to make this world.


Hundred different people might have hundred different opinions about you. These will be valued throughout life. But in the end, what matters is what YOU think of YOURSELF! How you judged yourself! There is no one in this world who understands you better than you do.


Words of people who really love us will matter to build our self-confidence. But, ultimately we make our own personalities.

So, next time, you are in self-doubt and feel the need to be commented upon, don’t ask anyone else. Just peep in the mirror and ask, “Hey, what do you think of ME…..?” 



A joke used to do round in my maths class when I was in school. It was so that a boy comes late to school and asks the teacher whether he could enter the class. The teacher says, “NO.” The boy asks again and gets the same answer. However, on hearing the second NO, he quietly enters the class and takes his seat. The teacher is enraged and questions the boy that I didn’t allow you to enter, yet you disobeyed me. Why? The boy replies serenely, “Well, you said NO twice and we have been taught in maths, that two negatives make one positive!” 🙂


I used to laugh over the silliness of the boy and also admire his smartness. Now, when I actually have heard the joke over and over again, I realize that its not a joke. It is infact one of the most important lessons of life.

Everyone takes their life so negatively. We dissect and analyze the dark side so much that we forget the beauty of the other side. Not only do we do not look beyond the obvious but also dampen the hopes of all those who try to be different. We label others as “over-optimistic” and cover our negativity in the guise of “reality-practical thinking”.


When we fail, we become sure that it was always meant to be so. We accept it on our own terms. We firmly believe that we are the unlucky ones. We blame the destiny. We blame the society. We just about blame everything that is around us. We take other people’s experiences as our own and don’t understand that two people can look exactly at the same thing yet see something totally different. We take up age-old notions and degrade them further, turn them as negative as we can.  


Have we ever thought of working on these negatives? Have we ever believed that, every cloud has a silver lining? Have we ever converted our negatives into positives?


We take our weaknesses as our second nature. Instead of working on them, we excuse them as our basic attributes and believe that those can never change. We take our failures as an unlucky fate and cry and sulk and make ourselves miserable. We think we are the unluckiest person in the world and all bad things apparently to us.


Have we ever tried to use our strengths to overcome our weaknesses? Have we ever rationalized a particular situation in such a way that we allow us to observe the good side of things?


There is positive in everything you see. In 9th grade, our classroom wall had a frame hung on it. There was a single line written on it, “There’s never a WRONG time to do the RIGHT thing.” The quote still uplifts me, when I have to do a difficult thing. I realize the value of it. Realize the positive energy flowing through it.

All the positives in your life, however minuscule they may be, they have the infinite power to convert the entire negativity into a desirable force.

My life has been going haywire for a past few weeks. But, I am hanging on. I have suddenly understood that all the delicate situations that I have been facing so far have been a mixture of both sorrow and joy. Now, when I retrospect, I realize my joy at that time had the surprising potential of being highly negative and all my sorrows, if dissected well, held a tremendous amount of positivity.

If I learnt so much from everyday experiences, so can you! 


Always remember, situations may be bad, but we have something in us that can turn things our way. And that is the power of extracting the hidden positivity in any thing. Nothing in this world is 100% good or 100% bad.

There’s a little angel in every demon and a little demon in every angel…. 



MEMORIES are the threads that connect us to the lost moments that were once our own. In a world, where nothing’s permanent, even time eludes us and leaves us alone to fend for ourselves. We let go of people, of near and dear ones, of our egos and inhibitions. But, one thing doesn’t leave us alone. It fills the void within us, with bitter and sweet moments. To make us laugh over the silly things about which we fretted and fumed and cry over pleasant ones that will never come again. 


To the most beautiful creation of God, to Memories………..

 Each moment of the year

has its own beauty….

A picture which was never seen before

and which shall be never seen again….


’cause circumstances change…

relationships change…

people’s attitudes change…

but memories are never washed away….


Time can hold us

and carry us forward

towards destinations….

But it can never hold back our emotions,

It can only witness our faith,

but never conquer it….


We may not be immortal,

but memories are…

Any force in the world,

cannot deter them…

Not we, but those ideas,

those memories,

will live till ETERNITY…….