I have loved cricket more than any other game. But what happened, in the light of the 2nd test match between India and Australia in Sydney, is not only shameful but enraging.


First of all, Harbhajan Singh, is being accused of racism, which is a downright lie.

Helloooooooooo. We Indians are one of the most racially abused people. Its ridiculous to think, we’ll act so stupidly considering how important the game was.

Symonds should know better. Aussies have never played fair. And yes, we do question their integrity!


In the most controversial final day of the 2nd test, Sourav Ganguly was actually given out, not by an umpire but the Australian captain Ricky Ponting himself!

Since when did the umpires listen to the players and give their decisions???

Moreover, even Dravid and R.P.Singh were the victims of absolutely wrong umpiring decisions.

If at all, the ICC accuses Harbhajan and bans him from playing further matches, then I think its wise enough for BCCI to tell players to pack their bags, cancel the series and head home.

I urge all cricket lovers to follow this controversy.

Support the Indian team. If ONE Symonds was abused by Harbhajan, then in reality, our ENTIRE team has been abused, disgraced in their country.

As, Anil Kumble, summed up the situation, “Only one team played in the spirit of the game..”

AND, we all know who the team is.

I doubt, whether anyone in India has any respect left for the Aussie cricket team.

I guess, will keep you updated on most of the things.

So, just be aware!



What put, Cricket-crazy Indian fans like me, in an offbeat mood, was the shameful defeat of India against Australia in the first test match of the series. The Indian players were marred with demeaning cuss words. But soon enough, the painful memory of the loss was left in the last year, as the world gracefully slid in 2008.

All were looking forward for Wednesday, Jan 2nd, when the India-Australia second test began.

What started as a perfect day, for a match between two of the greatest teams in the world, actually held seeds of hopelessness, hatred and a lot of un-cool decisions.

The Indians looked marvelously well in control with Australia down for 2 off 22. And then, one man turned the game! True, Brad Hogg and Brett Lee shot some brilliant half centuries, BUT a smashing 167 not out by Andrew Symmonds turned the tables on us Indians. And, NO, he wasn’t the one who took limelight for the reversal of the game, but, one ‘daring’ west indian, an umpire Steve Bucknor.

It would be highly inappropriate, if I begin a series of cuss words and slang terms in this blog, so lets just be sarcastic…..

Symmonds who was dismissed 3 times by the fiery Indian bowlers, was never given out and continued his blitz-krieg. On one such occasion, he had snicked the bowl by Ishant Sharma, directly into wicket-keeper Dhoni’s hands. The Indians were rejoicing, the commentrators were exclaiming, but only Bucknor remained unruffled! Symmonds was playing on 30 at that time. Imagine, what the state of Australians would have been, if he had been given out then……. Inspite of Hogg’s and Lee’s heroics the next day, Australia wouldn’t have crossed the total of 300.

Later, even Symmonds agreed that he had indeed snicked the ball and for the very first time in the history of the game, a batsman “thanked” an umpire for his achievement.

The Indian cricket board, was furious. They thought, Symmonds should have showed some sportsmanship and should have walked away .

What an expectation! Since, when did the Australians become “team-players” ? I doubt, whether anyone understands the spirit of the game, as well as the Indians do!!

The aftermath of this episode, was the furore that followed. The ICC president Malcom Speed later announced the new rule, twisted in order to benefit the players. It has now been decided that players can appeal directly to the third umpire, if they are not convinced with the field umpire’s decision. This is a positive change and surely, Sachin Tendulkar, will get the most benefit out of it. After all, he has been mis-judged out several times . 🙂

Anyways, Australia piled up a total of 463 runs by the lunch time of second day and finally, India came to bat.

Yet again Steve Bucknor played tyrant when he judged Wasim Jaffer out on a clear-cut no ball.

Struggling to keep up with the Australian bowling attack, the Indians managed to hold fort and the by the end of second day, Sourav Ganguly and Sachin Tendulkar remained not out. Earlier, Laxman and Dravid put on a solid partnership and helped India elevate to a competent level. Dravid did a snail-paced yet useful 53, while Laxman, seemed to be playing an ODI, with an amazing 109.

But, with 3 wickets down, India still needed to do better.

A new day began. Every Cricket fan hoped that this would be the day, that Sachin would get that elusive ton finally! But, wickets were falling steadily. Ganguly did hit a fabulous 67 but Yuvraj and Dhoni failed miserably. And, Sachin was slowly progressing from a quiet 84 runs, with Harbhajan Singh keeping him company and hitting glorious shots.


Sachin edged towards 98 and the tension was obvious. Billions of Indians and Cricket fans all over the world were silently praying that he sails through that ton. Suart Clark’s over began. Sachin let go of the first 3 balls and then on the fourth, he hit hard. He tore his way across the pitch. Only if he took a quick first run, he could try for the second. And, he did. Everyone was cheering, clapping. He himself looked happy beyond imagination. As soon as he removed the helmet and looked skywards, praying and thanking the almighty, the crowd rejoiced. The jinx was broken and he proved, yet again, that he is and will always remain, one of the best batsman, this game ever produced……..

I know, if India wins this match, it would be a double-bonanza for all. But, even if this match draws, cricket enthusiastics would still be happy that their ‘God’ Tendulkar, finally gave the new year a befitting start .

I pray and hope, everything goes right for Tendulkar and India all throughout the year.

As for Bucknor, well, each man has to pay for his sins, at some time in his life. Let this match get over, and it will be seen, it’s his final one.

And, for his own safety, I hope, he never places his foot on the Indian soil, because we Indians can be exceedingly humble with hospitality, yet can turn into blazing fires, when we are enraged!!!!




Pakistan, I guess, has so much internal hatred stacked within, that is more deadly than a nuclear bomb…..enough to weaken it from inside…..and self-destruct!!!

Coping up with emergency for such a long time since last couple of months, the pakistanis have  yet again, started a nation-wide war……The beloved daughter of their nation is DEAD. Benazir Bhutto is DEAD……

Benazir Bhutto was born on June 21, 1953 at Karachi and was the eldest child of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who founded the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP).  He was first the president then the prime minister of Pakistan from 1971-1977.  But, was mercilessly executed by General Zia-ul-haq.

She gained her degrees in politics from Harvard and Oxford, came back to Pakistan, inherited the leadership fro PPP and thus, started her life-long battle against the unstable ruling of Pakistan.

She became prime-minister in 1988, was sacked on basis of corruption charges. Gained power agian in 1993 and lasted for just 3 more years before Nawaz Sharif came to power.

Got lost in Dubai later on, when her husband and she were sentenced to 5 years of jail and $8.6 million on charges of taking kick-backs from a Swiss company hired to fight customs fraud.

AND, she came back! Oh, why did she?

It’s said that, everything is pre-determined…..death too. Maybe , it’s the power of death that draws you towards itself. Benazir was drawn too. Drawn, to the country of her birth, to die there as a martyr.

She was lucky once…..when a suicide bomber attacked her rally last month but this time, she wasn’t as lucky…..the 3 sniper bullets made her pay for her good deeds rather than her sins.

Now, what about the impact on the world? What impact on the US of A…..have their plans gone horribly wrong? India is definitely on the edge. Pakistan is on the brink of a civil war. Situation, totally out of control. India will have a high time if the jehadis cross over during the war. India’s security then, will be in danger.

US, definitely doesn’t know how to react. This is what they might have never-calculated. And, although, they have never owned publicly, but they still seem to have a significant role in her return to pakistan (so the experts feel).

Benazir, had once said, “Whether or not the rulers allow me to take part in the elections, I will return home at any cost, not for the reason that i want to become prime minister…. (but because) I owe to the nation to fulfill my pledge I have made to it.”

She is immortal. She returned for her people. Her name is written in this bloody sub-continental history as that of a great leader and motivator.

She fulfilled her pledge, alright….but, it remained incomplete…..

Her restless soul will avenge this hatred. Not for herself, but for her people. Perhaps, one day Pakistan will see beyond dictatorship.

On that day, the nation will be born again and truely a new chapter of India-Pakistan FRIENDSHIP will be written!!!



Few years ago, we used to watch a cartoon I AM WEASEL on the Cartoon Network. It was a story of a smart weasel and an idiot baboon. The baboon, apparently, weak in his grammar skills, never managed to get any sentence right….While introducing himself, he always used to say, “I R BABOON”. What a stupid fella!

You know what, just like this so-called stupid baboon, we label so many kids as stupid too. Every kid, today, invariably gets suffocated under the burden of expectations that his parents place on him. Good marks in school, best at sports, that’s what each parent wants to hear. No one is willing to accept that our child can be just plain ordinary.

Now, how many of us, what’s DYSLEXIA is all about. It’s a common curable problem. I am sorry, I must say “a common manageable problem”. But, alas, very misunderstood and people are not aware at all. Parents as well as teachers at school, so conveniently dub the kids as “duffers” , when the kids are below average in their day-to-day school work.

Dyslexia is a very normal problem. It’s a learning disability that specifically manifests in form of difficulty in writing, as well as reading and spelling.


Children suffering from this disorder, normally get confused between the letters b,d,p,q and mix them up. Sometimes, the letters are written backwards, or upside down or like mirror images. However, dyslexia is not a visual problem at all. Sometimes, they have difficulty in understanding arithmetic, there is left-right confusion, poor short-term memory, problem in processing a lot of information together etc..

But, that’s alright. A little patience with these kids, and they can be the best at anything they hope to be. They are as normal as you and me and just as sane. Language therapy and working on their writing abilities can help do wonders.

Did you know, great personalities like Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison, all were dyslexic. So are, Abhishek Bacchhan, Robin Williams, Whoopi Goldberg, Tom Cruise…

And, well, Agatha Christie, the great writer herself was a dyslexic.


I recommend, you watch, the Bollywood movie, TAARE ZAMEEN PAR. It’s an excellent film dealing with an 8 year old dyslexic kid and how he overcomes his disability and depression to pursue his passion of painting!

Brilliant portray of emotions and an amazing movie of competent and commendable actors.

It’s a film with a message. An universal message, that “Every child is special”.

As, Aamir Khan, says in the movie, Dyslexia is just a problem with the wiring in the brain. That’s it. Nothing else.

Every kid, every child, every little bud that’s about to flower, deserves the best in Life…..deserves a life worth living.


You and me, all of us are SPECIAL…



The “Internet” has slowly but surely crawled into the hearts of people all across the globe. They have discovered the secret of connecting with  people living as far as the other side of the world.

Earlier, it was cool to stay in touch with near and dear ones who are far away. And today, it’s more about binding with strangers and unknown faces.

This is an era of social networking. There are hundreds of social networking sites on the world wide web. Out of the general category- MySpace, Facebook, Orkut, etc.. are increasingly popular.

There is Yahoo 360 degrees, that links all yahoo ids. There is WAYNE, thats based on travel and living. Flixter for movies, Flickr and Fotolog for photo sharing, for link sharing, LastFM for music too…..You name it, and you get a list of sites for every imaginable and unimaginable thing that comes in your mind.

Well, in the beginning getting connected is an amazing experience. You find old friends, meet new interesting people with similar likes and dislikes, you can express your feelings without any inhibitions, show-off and do a lot of cool things.

It’s fun sending messages to friends, deciding things, sharing photos, whew….and many more activities.

I have friends who have hooked up over such sites and even some getting married finally!!! Some have went ahead and found their partners, others have found friends for life.

Social networking sites provide a sort of platform for getting together and being in touch with the rest of the world. With just a click of a button you are drawn into a crowd of people and you learn to remain in touch.

You might have observed, usually shy people transform into the popular and talkative types. In real life, those who are quiet, on such sites, are the ones with most friends and wide networks.

There have been instances where these sites have helped in apprehending criminals and wrong-doers. The police have had a lot of help in zeroing on suspects and getting proofs about many cases.

While such sites might sound awesome and have their benefits, it would be stupid if you fail to look over the darker side.

If social networking sites are so popular with the police, they are in their bad books too. Cyber crime is on rise, as some people move on to post porn pictures and write defamatory texts. Stalkers have increased. Befriending people, especially girls, meeting them and then taking advantage of their situation is becoming quite common these days. Kidnapping plans are hatched, robberies are planned….the misuses are plenty.

You will always hacking someone else’s site and posting nasty things, communities and groups are formed with derogatory remarks on big political leaders, famous personalities and hey, even the short-tempered school principals.

People are being threatened, abused, hate, etc…

And you know, these sites are even have psychological effects on users. Depression, nervous breakdown arise as a result of constant networking. People today have become so involved in this type of life-style that the prefer internet friends over real ones, not seeing messages everyday causes them to feel abandoned and un-loved, their friend list keeps growing and growing as they keep on adding strangers just for the sake of it since it will make them look more popular and famous. Parents are having a high time in taking their children to psychiatrists and the psychiatrists are observing an increasing trend in such cases.

How much ever popular these sites might be getting, it will be wrong to over-look the dire consequences they might have on us “normal” individuals.

A word of CAUTION for all people. There’s nothing wrong in getting linked with people and improving your network base. It’s true, that you meet some nice unknown people and form good friendships with them.

But, it’s absolutely essential to maintain distance and move ahead only if your sure. Remember, you are responsible for your own actions. So, just be careful about what you do.

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has posted some rules while networking online. You can glance them at:

Always remember, SAFETY FIRST!!!



As soon as we begin the day, there are so many problems with which we have to deal.

Some are minor, others can be horrific and the worst of them all is that of CHILD ABUSE.

“Child Abuse can be defined as causing or permitting any harmful or offensive contact on a child’s body and; any communication or transaction of any kind which humiliates or frightens the child.”

There are many types of child abuse, Emotional abuse, Neglect, Physical abuse, Sexual abuse….

Children are forced into prostitution or are used in porn rackets.

All of them are derogatory and shameful acts.

Surprisingly most of the child abuse cases happen at homes. Most of them are performed by parents, relatives or persons that the child knows. Even, a large number of cases involve organizations such as schools, child-care institutes, etc..

The after-effects of child abuse are equally negative. They spoil a kid’s childhood but also haunt him/her throughout the adult life. The child can suffer from low self-esteem, depression, cognitive disability, aggressive behavior, suicidal tendency etc…

Many of us might wonder what are the causes of child abuse. In many cases, the molester himself might have been a victim of child abuse or perhaps he might be suffering from some psychological disorder. IN case of neglect, stress can be a driving force behind this kind of emotional child abuse.

Whatever the reasons be, they do not justify this humiliating act. The pain and trauma of a child sexually abused is something which no person of a clear conscience can tolerate. It is essential to put and end to this kind of maltreatments.

AWARENESS among people can be the first thing to combat this. Parent education classes, family support programs can be undertaken both on a small scale and large scale basis.

However, the sad part is many a times, family members themselves are responsible for committing such atrocities on their own child. Court intervention in such cases becomes absolutely necessary.

According to an UNICEF report, countries like the US and UK ranked lowest among the rich nations with respect to the well being of their children.

In India too, a shocking 53% of the children are subjected to sexual abuse but then, most of the cases are never reported. Every second child is emotionally abused and in 83% of cases parents are the abusers.

While in the West, there are strict laws and lots of NGOs working with such cases, child abuse is being dealt with. However, in India, laws dealing with sexual offenses do not recognize child abuse. It’s sad but true that the Indian Penal code 1860 has no sections dealing with child sexual abuse. It only addresses rape and sodomy out of which rape is not specifically given as it does not include abuse on “boys”.

Ever imagined, how a child dealing with this is living……..ever imagined, the reason behind those meek eyes and unshed tears….ever imagined, the silent plea for help….

As good Samaritans, it’s our duty to prevent such forms of abuse and spread awareness. The “International Day for Child Rights” is on November 19th. Merely observing it will serve no purpose!

If you come across such in-human acts, do not hesitate to report to your nearest child care center. Who knows, you might be saving some kid’s life from the clutches of such gruesome treatment.

Atleast, you can volunteer around NGOs working for abused children and help the kids to fight off the trauma and depression.

“Let kids be kids.

Lets not take their childhood away.

Lets provide them with a safe and secure future.

Lets wipe their tears and leave smiles on their faces….”





Who would know better about terrorism than us Indians? I guess, right from young kids to the old people, all hear about them very frequently. As frequently as the rains, as frequently and as obvious as the changing weather. Mumbai is the only major city in the world to be rocked by serial blasts twice. And, every other city does keep on having them.

Earlier, it was just Kashmir. But now, blasts have become a part and parcel of our daily lives. Couple of days back, Uttar Pradesh was bombed mercilessly. I guess, the terrorists in this case had a “thing” against the lawyers. The bombs exploded in the civil courts of three important cities.

You name it, and the bombs are there. In hospitals, in parks, in courts, in buildings,  in trains too!!!

For India, terrorism has spread like poison contaminating everything.

The West experiences such cruel atrocities from time to time too. The 9/11 incident in US and the 7/7 one in London.

No one’s been spared.

Now, the question arises, how can anyone be so in-human, so insensitive…??? What do terrorists get by killing so many people? What sort of revenge they get? Are they happy doing this? Is all this going to lead them to salvation?

I asked all these questions as a 6 year old when Mumbai was shaken by 13 serial blasts on March 12, 1992. It’s been 15 years since then and I still haven’t got any answers to those questions. I doubt, whether I’ll get them after 15 more years. That time I would be speechless in front of my kids as my mom was when I asked her this.

What is this “freedom” that they intend to have? You can see, kids as young as 16 getting involved in terrorism. Respectable people like doctors, engineers, teachers, all those you imagine to be quiet and sound, become capable of performing the worst of all actions. Their families themselves don’t know what their own people do. What kind of masks do they wear?

Is there a stop to this? When will everything be allright? Can “terrorism” be wiped off?

Hundreds of questions but no definite answers.

Tomorrow may never arise for us. One fine day, all of us might be dead. Unpredictable as it is, Life is getting more and more un-reliable these days.

All we can do is keep our eyes and ears open to do what we can to help combat terrorism.

As for the terrorists, all we can hope, is that they will get the punishment for their sins and they will repay for the act they committed. That they will repent for all those innocent lives and change for better or die changing.

If there is a God somewhere,then, he’s watching……Terrorism will fight ugly with him BUT it’s no match for the HOPE and LOVE that resides n humanity.

As long as we are humans, terrorists can never make animals out of us!!!

“CULTURE”, OMG, What’s That???


You might know INDIA. It’s a small country in South-East Asia flanked by water on three sides and land on the fourth. Surrounded by over-friendly neighbors like Pakistan and China. Wow, now that’s what you call a “country”.

If you consider the size, India is really small but there are million such “Indias” all over the world. Be it any powerful country, any G8 nation, there is India residing in some part or the other.

The west today, has started acknowledging India’s presence as a powerful country. The west is fascinated by the vast cultural diversity and the ethnicity. It is running towards the east, to India, taken in by it’s strange yet interesting rituals and that spiritual touch.


What are we doing as “Indians”??? Can we say sincerely, with a hand on our hearts that we are protecting our culture? Are we? Ask yourself.

Immigrants all over the world are proud to be associated with this country. Wherever they are, they celebrate all the festivals with pomp and splendor. Their kids might be born there but still they teach them all about India and it’s culture, it’s religion, it’s growth as a powerful yet humble country.

They, there, far far away, are trying to protect and enhance a culture that is dwindling here in India itself.

We are so hell-bent on being westernized that we have sold our morales and have become slaves of globalization. We forget, that the grass is always greener on the other side. We criticize what we have and appreciate things that don’t suit our mentality and up-bringing. All we crave for is, social status and don’t look beyond money and prestige.

Indian rituals to us, seem stupid and a burden our fore-fathers gave us as inheritance. Our music is no longer classical…. it’s more rock and rap. Our heroes are not the one who gave us freedom, they are the ones who run half-naked around the world.

Where is the “Indian-ness” in India???

Still, there is a great TRUTH…..

How much ever, we try to model ourselves in the western mold, we cannot over-look the fact that our roots are still Indian. Our brains are earning capital for a different country but our hearts are still connected to this mysterious nation.

Next time, you may say CULTURE, OH MY GOD, WHAT’S THAT?

And be ashamed of your Indian roots.

But remember,




On my 21st birthday, I was planning for something special. I thought I should do something that will contribute to the community. I cannot be 21 and do nothing yet for the mankind. There are people who start young in life and scale new heights so early. At least all of us can try to be special.

When I was 8, I had an utmost desire to pledge my eyes. But I was too small then.

This time, I fulfilled my desire. A desire that was waiting eagerly for 13 long years, in some corner of my heart, to be noticed.

I pledged my eyes. So, that after my death, someone will get a new life…..a new vision…..a new direction.

Life is too short guys, do something that will compel people to know you even after you go away.

Pledge your eyes. It’s not at all a long procedure.

You’ll die but still continue to live in someone’s sight, someone’s prayers and someone’s dreams.

The following poem is an ode to the most important organ of the human body…..

The eyes can do, what the mind doesn’t

They can show the feeling, the word doesn’t

The love, the hatred, the mixed emotions

The laughter, the mirth, spreads through the face

The eyes have it, what the heart doesn’t

They seek and see the truth always

They can never hide

They pierce through you and look deep within

They are mirrors to the soul

Look into someone’s eyes

What do you see?

You can guess the actual personality

What the eyes have, no other sense doesn’t

The eyes have it!


Sentiments drenched in pure sacred truthfulness….



(picture, source:

When I took up RETINOBLASTOMA as a topic for my report at college, I was very excited. For a long time, I wanted to actually study the disease and know all about it.

BUT what surprised me is the strange look on my classmates faces when I told them of my choice. Masters in science students didn’t know what “Retinoblastoma” was. Most of them didn’t even know that the disease could be related to the “eye”. It was really shameful.

For those who don’t know, Retinoblastoma is a tumor of the retina (a delicate multi-layered lining of the inner eyeball). It mostly affects children less than 5 years of age. It starts with the appearance of white blotches in the eye (leukocoria) and can affect one or both the eyes. Most of the times the treatment is Enucleation, which means surgical removal of the eye.

What makes RETINOBLASTOMA a deadly disease is the fact that there is so less awareness about it. It is comparatively very rare than other cancers but it is a very cruelly crippling disease for the children. It can spread or metastasize outside of the eye to the brain, the spinal cord and even the bones.

If detected early, the treatment can be directed towards vision preservation. These days Chemotherapy, EBRT (external beam radiation therapy), Thermotherapy, Cryotherapy are being successfully used as the various treatment modalities.

EYES are the most beautiful organ that an human being can possess. They not only see but even talk, feel and do things that most of the organs can’t.

If masters students are unaware about the disease, how can you expect normal people to be aware of it???

Children are the future of every country. As responsible adults, it’s our duty that they are provided with a normal and healthy life. Their eyes need to learn and appreciate the nature’s beauty. They must be able to build a secure tomorrow for the betterment of the world.

It’s necessary that people know about retinoblastoma and it’s possible consequences.

It’s a request to all. If your child or anyone you know is suffering from the disease, or you are just curious, please spread the awareness.

Today there are so many sites on the internet that with just one click of the button you may get all the information that you need.

I know, for me, EYES are very important. Now, you think, how a young child of five will feel if he loses his eyes owing to retinoblastoma so early in his life.

For all the patients and their families, “Some people do care and God is with you always….”