Letting God go – A fan’s heartfelt letter


My Dear Sachin,

They say, people rise and people fall but life goes on. That everything in life is temporary – all failures & even the successes. No man can remain on top forever; fame has its price; even life has an expiry date. Everything begun knows an end. The star that shines brighter even than the brightest of sun’s rays; slowly sinks into oblivion some day. The bright that pierces darkness, gets engulfed by it eventually. There comes a time, when you have to let go of all that you once held close.

The love for cricket, I first developed at a very young age refuses to go away. It’s still very much there & it’s more like a drug now that gets me on high! And, I am not even a player! I cannot even begin to understand, how difficult it must be for you to let go of something which has made you what you are today – a legend. Somebody told me once that if there is something in your life that makes you happy, you should fight to keep it in your life forever. Pure unadulterated joy is so rare and in this fake world, what struggle we go through to keep the one thing attached to us that brightens our life.

People hellbent on your retirement have probably forgotten one thing – that it is eventual! You have been playing for over 20 years and that is not natural. People are afraid of such things. They think it’s not healthy in the interests of young generation that you have “blocked” one spot on the team. Deep down, insecure in their own worlds, they find themselves  in fear of your achievements. But, they still forget – it’s eventual! As a die-hard fan, I, definitely don’t want you to leave. But, I know I have to let go. And the time is near, so near that I get this unsettling feeling every time India plays.

Every player, be it a legend or a rookie has to retire someday. And, no, it’s not easy for any of them. It’s like making a truce with your body and finally calling it a day. But, your retirement has become more of a national issue. Everybody wants to have a say. People who barely understand the game, are protesting vehemently over your place in the team.

It doesn’t feel that we are just letting you go; more than that, it feels as if we are letting go of an era. An era that was imprinted in our minds by players who built the 1990s; and even the early 2000s. We have said goodbye to almost all of those gems. You are like a final link that still tugs on our memories of those days.

I was 11-12, when I first fell in love with you, nearly 15 years ago. “Retirement” and “Sachin”, were never synonymous words, then. I thought, by the time I grow old enough to see you go, I would have fallen out of love; cricket would be just a time-pass thing. While that has been the case for most of my friends, it doesn’t describe me! I have went ahead and fallen so madly in love with every great player and more so with the game that it’s difficult to imagine life without any of this.

Ricky Ponting will say goodbye in a couple of days time and it is sad to let him go too. I have not been a huge Ponting fan but I cannot deny the treat I got every time I watched him play; his flawless technique & his brilliant captaincy that really took Australia to the very top and remain there for as long as anyone could remember; that made them invincible for a really long time.

Such a fine player and what does it happen when he announces retirement? Here in India, where we cover even US elections, in all their glory; we got to see a 30 min news segment on Ponting followed by 30 hours of debate on why it’s time for Sachin to retire! It’s so pathetic, it’s funny!

Just a couple of mornings back, I saw this huge debate on a popular news channel – “Should Shahrukh & Sachin retire?” I mean, what the heck? At 7 a.m. in the morning, five distinguished looking gentlemen who had nothing to do with cricket or even the film industry, for that matter, were discussing how you and Shahrukh are both a burden now in your respective fields for having remained there so long. Wow, I mean, I have better ways to spend my mornings than barking over things that do not directly concern me. And, what does Shahrukh has to do with you? At least, he looks his age, you don’t! 😛

Jokes apart! Why should anyone, who does not even know cricket or films that well, has the right to poke his/her nose in a someone elses’ personal quest. Doesn’t it sound ridiculous?

I know you have not performed and people asking questions are justified. As a fan, even I have waited quite a long time for you to click. It hurts not to see you performing and seeing you as a mere shadow of a player you were once. But, deep in my heart, every single time, you come on the field, I pray so diligently for a 100. Even when you don’t get it, when you whip the ball straight into the ropes, it seems like Diwali & Christmas all rolled into one. After all these years, it’s still magical.

People who are pressing you to turn your bat in, do not know the void that will be created thereafter. Every person I know, is ready to quote the scores of your last 10 innings & mock your genius. Sachin is getting bowled so many times, he has lost his touch! When Dravid got bowled so many times in Australia, they said the Wall had holes! He was made fun of, very mercilessly so. But,  few months later when he announced retirement, suddenly, no body wanted him to go!

So, if it is about scores, why talk about the last 10 innings. Why not talk about 90 innings previous to that? Why stop at last 90, why not go beyond that? I am no clairvoyant and I don’t know whether you will play in Kolkata test or the Nagpur one. But, whatever the outcome, it won’t stop me believing in you!

When you walk off the field, one last time, into the sunset; not only will you leave behind broken hearts but also unforgettable memories. An era will end, a legend will cease. Will the world stop turning? Will the earth die? Perhaps not.

Because for every fan, whose life you touched, you will leave behind a legacy. A legacy of humility, of strength of character, of sheer genius, of hard-work, of always giving your best, of never quitting, of battling inner & outer demons, above all of being you!

Everybody grows old and has to stop at some point. When your body sends out that message, how much ever agile or swift your mind may be, you have to pause slowly and then stop.

If you ask me what things make me happy? Let me tell you, there are very few and one of them, is YOU! And the other is something that you gifted me unknowingly – the love for cricket! Am I letting go either of them? Probably not! I am mature enough to understand, your era nears the end but cricket will remain!

I am no cricket pundit but I say, once again, that your retirement is eventual. So, why sit on your head and hammer into your brain that you are no good. Why not enjoy these remaining days and celebrate your every inning? Why not be happy in these little things instead of pondering over serious issues? Why not clap gleefully on your every boundary and sixer? Why not be a 90s kid again & rejoice in your glory?

Or lets just be hopeful & wait for December 21, 2012; when the world will end and shut those fools up! 🙂


With lots of admiration, respect, awe & love,

A fan who owes you too much

Dear Sachin…..Dear God….

Dear Sachin,

I cannot explain in words, the amazing feeling that I felt on the night of April 2nd when MS Dhoni hit that glorious six to claim what was rightfully ours. For a moment, I thought about what will be going through your mind & tried to imagine as well as feel the immense joy that you must have felt.

Earlier, it felt cruel and sad when you missed out on big runs when you came into bat especially after watching those crackling boundaries that you hit. But you know what, for the first time, in my life, I didn’t feel the dread of losing the match as I always feel when you get out easily. ‘Coz I could see the determination etched on the face of each and every player to fight back strongly. And fight, they did! The wonderful display of batting that Gambhir put up followed by a never-say-die Dhoni who despite of feeling exhausted & tired was never letting it go; was indeed commendable.

And every player gave his best. Since the semi final, I have observed that the fielding has been superb and we oozed that grit and determination that is expected of champions…..confidence but not over-confidence. Dhoni has such a large part to play in this, with his calm and serene attitude and unshakable belief.

My world cup moment was when you came running onto the field and hugged Yuvraj and both of you had tears of joy in your eyes.

It was so emotional, so fulfilling and so perfect.

I bet you filled the eyes of those watching, with tears too. You filled mine.

A lifelong dream had been fulfilled. A moment for which you waited for 21 long years…the greatest moment of your life….

Your master-class was reflected on every individual in the rest of team, each of them trying to give their 200% not only for the team or the country but also for you.

The respect you hold is so vast…..What must it feel like someone doing something for you…to make you happy….what it feels like when there are other people struggling to fulfill your dreams by cruising alongside you?

SIX world cup appearances…and each and every time you played your best. Each time, with the intent to inch closer to that coveted trophy and each time you were denied….There were times when others fell short of their expectations or destiny never smiled on us. But, you kept going and going and we entered the 2011 world cup with the single expectation of getting you — your dream, your life.

I absolutely loved it when Virat said that you have been carrying the burden of this country for 21 years and its time we carried you on our shoulders.

That sounded like some cheesy dialogue, but it was perfect for the moment. Everyone was looking at you…praising you…dedicating this win to you….. And, you in all your humility accepted their offering proclaiming this as the proudest moment in your life.

You had an amazing world cup…amassing close to 500 runs and showing yet again as to why you are the greatest player of all times. However, while the whole world was wishing for your 100th ton….you, the man who never plays for his personal milestones…you, were only wishing to hold that one golden prize that eluded you for so many years. That beautiful trophy you had seen Kapil Dev lift way back in 1983 when you were just 10 years old….Little did you know, that 28 years from then…you will hold it courtesy of your team-mates who just wanted to make you happy and give to you what you truly deserved.

Sachin, do you realize, with age, you have got even better…..and you have worked yourself so hard each time to reach pinnacles of perfection. And the last 2 years have been fantastic. You have managed to make and beat every single record ever known….You weren’t the one with the highest score in ODIs and last year you hit a double century; a feat that no one else has accomplished and that too against one of the greatest bowling attacks in the world. You completed over 50 test centuries and are just 2 centuries away from doing that same feat in One dayers with an amazing total of 99 combined. What next, Sachin? A triple? A quadruple century in the tests?

You walked off the ground when you were convinced you were out in spite of others feeling otherwise….you have showed tremendous sportsmanship on and off field, never uttering bad words about others. You have set an example, not only as an amazing player but also as a truly wonderful human being.

Sachin, I am so proud to be an Indian because of you. I am so proud of you, I love you, I revere you, I worship you. You indeed are divine.

You inspire me to rise above this mediocrity to reach new heights….to be a good human being….to be true to yourself….to never let go…to keep on fighting…

Today, I sincerely want to wish you on that amazing world cup win and the brilliant effort that you put throughout the tournament.

As I watch the news channels today, where most of the skeptics are insisting that this as your last world cup and that you are going to retire, all I feel is anger & a sense of betrayal.

Who are they to take decisions for you? It was your choice to enter the world of cricket and it will be yours again when you decide to leave it….I know, you love the game more than anything else in the world and that you would do anything to keep on playing, like, forever… 🙂

I want you to pass on a message to all those critics and over-smart people who don’t believe in you —-

“Each one wants something out of life. And what do we do, when we get what we want? We simply wish for something else.

The dream got fulfilled but not the Man. As long as the Man is there, there will be more dreams to come. Maybe not as special as this one but just as important….

It will take years for you guys to catch up with this man…No, not just records-wise but to match those exceptional qualities that he holds as a person too.”

Sachin, all I wanna say is that, even if I get at least one person to believe in my dreams like I do, I would have fulfilled my life. But, I am not you and neither are others. What makes you so special? What makes people respect you? Why are people in your awe? I don’t know. But you are like that twinkling star that lights up all our lives.

Sachin, you are my; you are our GOD.


Lots of love, wishes & respect,

One crazy fan/devotee


Somebody: Hey, are you an atheist?

Me: No, I am a believer!

Somebody: You mean, you actually BELIEVE in GOD?

Me: Yeah, whats wrong with it?

Somebody: How can you believe in something that you have NEVER seen???

Me: Who said that I have not yet seen God?

Somebody: You mean you HAVE?

Me: Yup!

Somebody: Are you kidding me?

Me: Nopes!

Somebody: You have actually SEEN GOD in FLESH & BLOOD?

Me: Thats what I said!

Somebody: How? Where? When? What?


I have seen him dedicating his life to something he believes in for 20 long years.

I have seen him opening the batting for India and the Mumbai Indians year after year.

I have seen him hitting centuries and centuries in tests and one day internationals.

I have seen him when he went to become the first and the only player so far to hit a double century in one day cricket.

I have seen him accepting countless “Man of the Match” and “Man of the Series” awards.

I have seen him hitting boundaries like never-stopping missiles

I have seen him exuding talent in all forms of the game.

I have seen him turn things in to gold just by touching them…..

Somebody: Hey, wait. I know what you are talking about. You mean that Tendulkar guy! He is the one? He is YOUR god? Baah!

Me: Yes, he is!

Somebody: But how can he be a God? He’s human!!!

Me: Whats wrong in worshiping a human? As far as I know, the Christians do the same! Jesus was the son of God, not god himself.

And so do Hindus? Don’t we worship, Lord Rama?

Somebody: Puh-leaze! Thats different. Those were mighty men with extraordinary powers. Why would anyone want a human god who is as ordinary as you and me? I mean, even Superman and Spiderman are supposed to have miraculous powers never seen on earth!

Me: Really? So, the prerequisite for worshiping someone is that they have alien powers and the ability to fly and glide over tree tops and mountains? Ridiculous!

Somebody: Why ridiculous? What about cricket then? Its just a game, right? Its not as if winning a world cup is going to make India a super power or just bcoz a guy name Sachin Tendulkar lives here, The floods are going to stop and it will rain plenty but in control, and there will be no earthquakes, no bomb blasts, not any other natural calamities either…..

Me: Well, these things have happened anyways even when Gods walked upon this earth.

It doesn’t count through what amount of burden and trials and tribulations we are put through; what counts is our willingness to get back on our feet!

Why wouldn’t I worship Sachin Tendulkar? What cricket-loving fan wouldn’t?

Whats wrong in worshiping the dedication that guy exhibits. The sheer patience and ample of self-control for 20 long years.

Whats wrong in worshiping a guy who never utters a bad word on field? Who maintains so much poise and dignity even when the opposite person is ridiculing him or cursing him. So much so that the person opposite gets embarrassed with such an open display of humility!

Whats wrong in worshiping genius in its purest form? The unaltered talent and the untarnished brightness that drips from him.

Whats wrong in worshiping an unbelievable display of hard-work and sincerity where most of us youngsters get bored even to walk a few steps to the supermarket?

Whats wrong in worshiping the lavish praise for other players that he is never tired of giving?

Whats wrong in worshiping the selfless guidance that he provides to upcoming players and fans?

Whats wrong in worshiping a dedicated family man who finds time for his wife and kids?

Whats wrong in worshiping an unselfish donor who donates countless money to the charity anonymously?

Whats wrong in worshiping the insatiable hunger he has for improving himself, correcting his own self, competing against his own self, beating his own records, bettering his own natural game?

SACHIN RAMESH TENDULKAR is not a lesson in cricket, my dear. He is a lesson in life itself.

It takes both Gods and Humans to make this earth, my friend.

The only difference is –

We bring some Gods to the level of Humans AND

We take some humans to the level of Gods.

(And I have one such God in the form of Sachin Tendulkar. On his 37th birthday, this is a post right from the heart.

Wishing you loads of success, happiness and a very happy birthday, Sachin……)



One fine day, LIFE went to DEATH and said, “I don’t understand, why the hell are you here! You consider yourself some bigshot and act as if you are great. Well, let me tell you, it’s me who is important. Everyone is afraid of you. You never give anyone a chance to live. Sometimes you snatch people when they are very young. You grab their opportunities. You take them away from their loved ones. You make them cry. You give them nothing but sorrow. You are so selfish. So cruel. So insensitive….”

Death smiled and kept quiet. This enraged Life even more and it continued, ” Now, why are you smiling? Look at me. How beautiful I am. I leave smile on everyone’s faces. I teach them to love and to care. They love me back. I am their support. I am the best. You should respect me!!!”

Death shrugged. It knew there was no point in arguing with Life. It knew that Life was being vain. But, Life’s overconfidence had to be kept in check. So, it replied seriously, “Perhaps, you are right. But, that is your point of view. I may be of no importance alone but neither are you. Together we complete this circle of LIFE and DEATH. If there is no Death, there wouldn’t be any Life either. Who would value you, if  I were not there? If there was no fear of dying, then how would have people appreciated living? It’s true, sometimes I take them young and separate them from their loved ones. But, you are no saint either. Many a times, in terminal illness or accident cases, people suffer a lot while living. That time, it is I, who free them from this suffering. I ease their pain and take them to a different dimension. I teach them to make the most of their time. To appreciate the worth of things around them. You tell me, am I unimportant now???”

Life put down it’s head in shame and apologized. Death smiled again and said quietly, “Don’t be sad. It’s not your fault. It’s just that you had got a little over-confident. But, honestly, I don’t think any of us is as important as the human SOUL. You and me are only talking about the physical being. But humans are much beyond that. Their real identity is not their body but their soul. The Soul is immortal. It is ancient. It just goes on moving from dimension to dimension. It endures immense pain but has discovered the secret for eternal happiness. Not me nor you can ever achieve the simplicity and humility of the Soul. It truely supports all human beings and never leaves their side. It gives them Hope….it gives them Faith. In comparison to it, we are nothing. Just two small stages in the long journey of spiritual attainment. Once, human beings get past by us, our value gets automatically reduced. Soul is invaluable. It is the Soul who will fuel their journey. It is the Soul who will help them achieve Salvation. It is Soul who will ultimately lead them to the realm of the Almighty. You know what, me and you, we are just mortals…………..”

Together, Life and Death decided that day, never to get proud of their achievements. Just serve their purpose and learn from the Soul, what it means to be powerful yet humble!!!