The strongest emotion of all



I know someone who killed themselves
Not one, but quite a few
What terrible chances in their life
Did they so depressingly rue
That celebrity, who made you laugh
That friend, who joked, you thought
That unexpected person next door
Wonder what against he fought
What horrible demons did
Each of them everyday slew
I know someone who killed themselves
Not one, but quite a few

Loneliness sometimes hits hard. It often follows periods of frustration. Most likely when you are worried about things not happening your way. That’s when you get all philosophical. You ponder about the purpose of your life. You don’t see any. We all are going to die one day, why not now then? Endless failures look to cripple you. And more often than not you seem to be chasing the success that conveniently seems to elude you. You may have thought about it. Maybe not as dramatically as holding a kitchen knife to your wrist but you wonder just the same. What it is to slash open your wrist? To hang yourself from the ceiling fan? To jump from a tall building? To electrocute yourself in the bath? To lie down on the railway track? To gulp an uncharacteristic amount of sleeping pills? The methods are endless. The internet a handy source, the television a gateway into easy life-taking lessons. But most of us stop right there. Because we still, maybe deep down, but we still believe that better days are around the corner. And they are.

Just before the darkness swallows us whole, that tiny ray of light pulls us into the sunshine. We realize we are lucky. We are surrounded by our loved ones. That each failure was just a stepping stone to success. And we thank god for everything that is still ours. That time must have robbed us of countless possessions but it still spared us a few. We rue about all our dreams not getting fulfilled but aren’t we glad all our nightmares have not materialized either? Truth is for most of us, even when our life is staring down at the end of the barrel, we find in ourselves the strength to get back on our feet. Easier said than done, perhaps, but it comes to pass.

Now imagine all the darkest times in your life? When you have felt lonely even when loved ones surround you? Remember the scary moments and imagine being stuck in them for what seems like an eon. What is it to stare right in the face of the tiny ray of hope but yet being blind to the light on the other side? What is it to be enveloped in the arms of a loved one but not feeling the emotion? What is it to listen to the soothing words of encouragement whispered into the ear yet not being able to hear them? What it is to be perpetually frightened of our own shadow?

We read in books, we watch in movies and for ages we have been hearing that Love is the strongest emotion of all. We have experienced it in form of gentle scolding from our father, from the warm embrace of our mother, from the naughty smile of our child, from the friendly banter with our siblings, from the mock laughter of our friends, from the affectionate glance of our spouse. We cannot imagine a world in which they don’t exist. But we dread a world in which they do exist yet are unable to reach out to us.

We brand them cowards. Suicide, did you say? Why did he/she do it? They had so much to live for? Did not even think about his/her parents? kids? friends? family? We opine that lack of courage drives them to such an extreme step. But in reality, damn if it isn’t the most courageous thing you have heard of! What kind of exceptional strength does it take to denigrate our own life? When we come out of our occasional mood swings, we realize how trivial our problems actually were. It is only when we observe our life from a third person point of view, the silliness of our (in)action sinks in. But what if we ever lose the ability to observe it?

We are literate enough to know how a mental illness can be severely debilitating than a physical one. How stress and tension corrodes the body and mind. How significantly our psychological state can affect even the ones around us. How fleeting life really is. Did you now the pretty young girl, who used to stay around the corner, she did it! Did you know the smiling grandpa, who lived two stories below, he did it! Did you know the mischievous kid, who used to wave at you from across the park, he did it! We all have to sink into the oblivion one day but what if some around us have already sunk so low while alive that there seems to be absolutely no difference between life and death for them? Is depression the strongest emotion of all?


(If you find yourselves in a hopeless situation or you know someone who might be suffering from depression, don’t hesitate to get help. Talk it out. Don’t keep it bottled inside. There a lot of NGOs and help centers. If you don’t prefer them, reach out to a trusted friend. Remember, while taking your own life, in the process, you are destroying those of your loved ones too)



How many of us really care about our beloved earth?

How many of us want to see it flourishing?

How many of us wish not to see it dying?

How many of us want it to be a better place to live in for the future generations?

This is not a blog post. It is an appeal.

An appeal for the “Earth Hour”; a global initiative by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

Earth Hour began in Sydney, Australia in the year 2007 when 2.2 million people and businesses switched off the electricity for one hour.

In 2008, it achieved a more global platform where, all major monuments of the world got consumed in darkness, just to save the earth.

And now, in 2009, Earth hour wants to achieve a more active support and aims at involving 1 billion people in this unique campaign. Over 74 countries have pledged their support for voting for the earth. You can provide your own individual share.

This data is then going to be presented at the Global Climate Change conference at Copenhagen in December 2009.

Why Earth Hour?

We are in a delicate environmental situation. Its about time that countries all over the world understand the problem of climate change and do something to tackle it. We have to take the pressure off global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emmissions and this can only be done via an internattional event that is here to stay for better.

Date and Timing:

Earth Hour begins at 8:30pm on March 28, 2009.

It is just like New Year’s eve with New Zealand going in darkness at 8:30pm local time and likewise, will move from one country to another.

This is why Earth hour is held around spring equinox so that countries both in the northern and sourthern hemisphere have equal sunset times.

For more information, you can visit the Earth Hour website

From there you can choose a location and move to your country’s earth hour page.

Sign up and spread awareness among your family and friends.

It is my humble request to all. Please join the Earth Hour campaign. It will make a lot of difference. Whether your country is a part of it or not; that does not matter. What matters is your responsibility as a global citizen to save this earth… vote for this earth.

You vote for leaders to rule your country but just once stop and think what do you want the leaders to rule? Barren lands, dying nature, sick people OR green pastures, flourishing nature, healthy and aware people???

Don’t vote earth just because someone tells you to; neither do I want you to force others. Don’t just understand but realize the consequences. There will be many appeals from world leaders, film personalities, other celebrities and even from common people like me. But, ultimately, it will be your individual fight. When each person realizes what he/she has to do, only then there will be a meaning to the “Earth hour” and a giant leap towards a welcome change.





I was born OK.

I could see. I could hear. I could talk. I had no physical handicap. No mental one too. I went to school. I could even read and write well. No learning problems either.

So, I was NOT special. Not special as the many many children we know. Some who are blind, some dumb and/or deaf. Some physically handicapped. Some mentally retarded. Some otherwise normal but having serious learning disabilities.

How do we feel for such children? Sympathy is common and so is pity. We look at them and thank God that we aren’t like that. Our children aren’t so and also anyone else in the family. We are ready to help financially. We become self-proclaimed social workers. We give huge donations, in form of money, clothes, books, toys etc..

I am not saying that it is not important. But, truly, just how many of us “empathize” ? How many of us actually feel their pain, their discomfort, their helplessness, their sorrow…..? How many of us actually give them our love, care and most important, our time! The very things they are actually hungry of!

Material things are very easy to give, because they don’t come with emotional attachments. But, hope, affection, trust are the rarest ones. We ourselves are so short of it that we think if we give them away, we will be left with nothing. What we don’t realize is that, these sentiments double on sharing. That love has absolutely no boundaries. That we can care for anyone else in this world. That blood ties are no different from any other relationships…

How many of us think of helping such people? How many of us actually volunteer to do something for the society. Children are the future of every country. What matters if they are normal or not? AND what exactly do we mean by “normal”? Does normal mean, kids who disobey their parents, don’t study and become big bullies. Does normal mean, teenagers who drink, smoke, drive rashly and party all night?

If you have visited such special schools or institutions, you will realize the tremendous potential these kids have. They may not be scholars in studies, but their mind is brilliant and sharp. They are good at making handicrafts and also at beautiful arts such as weaving, painting, pottery etc.. Some sing and dance well. Some are really intelligent and master their handicap to excel even in the field of education. They have a tremendous self-confidence. They have the courage to overcome their difficulties and move ahead positively. AND, what about us? Do we have the decency to ignore their physical form and identify them as people? Not to ridicule them or make fun of them, but give them the respect that they deserve just like us….

Have we ever done something for them from the bottom of our hearts? Volunteered to teach them or help them with things. Don’t be ashamed. Even I am one of you. I make big plans of helping them and doing something for them. I know I have the utmost desire to do so. But those plans never actually materialize. But, some day, they will. I know, before I die, I will do something that will really contribute to their upliftment. It’s my mission in life.

Can you vow to take such a mission? Or at least plan a short-term goal? To look beyond mortal differences and do something on a very basic yet spiritual/ social level?

There are thousands of NGOs working for this cause. You can find a couple in your own town. Even the UN has a volunteering website, where you can volunteer online and complete some tasks. At least it will better than whiling your time away chatting with friends or doing time-pass. It will be worth it.

All of us are normal. Ordinary. But, there is something in us that is extraordinary. And, we can make a difference. Perhaps, a slight one, but that which will be the beginning of an ever-lasting change!!!

(I dedicate this post to, all the “special” children with any kind of physical / mental disabilities. May God bless you always. And may all your dreams come true, for you deserve much more than mere “normals” like us…..)



On my 21st birthday, I was planning for something special. I thought I should do something that will contribute to the community. I cannot be 21 and do nothing yet for the mankind. There are people who start young in life and scale new heights so early. At least all of us can try to be special.

When I was 8, I had an utmost desire to pledge my eyes. But I was too small then.

This time, I fulfilled my desire. A desire that was waiting eagerly for 13 long years, in some corner of my heart, to be noticed.

I pledged my eyes. So, that after my death, someone will get a new life…..a new vision…..a new direction.

Life is too short guys, do something that will compel people to know you even after you go away.

Pledge your eyes. It’s not at all a long procedure.

You’ll die but still continue to live in someone’s sight, someone’s prayers and someone’s dreams.

The following poem is an ode to the most important organ of the human body…..

The eyes can do, what the mind doesn’t

They can show the feeling, the word doesn’t

The love, the hatred, the mixed emotions

The laughter, the mirth, spreads through the face

The eyes have it, what the heart doesn’t

They seek and see the truth always

They can never hide

They pierce through you and look deep within

They are mirrors to the soul

Look into someone’s eyes

What do you see?

You can guess the actual personality

What the eyes have, no other sense doesn’t

The eyes have it!


Sentiments drenched in pure sacred truthfulness….