


No matter how many centuries, he misses…..he was my idol, is my idol and will always remain so.

All those who love cricket and are as crazy fans as me will understand the respect this guy commands. You need not be an Indian to love him! If you are a true fan of the game, “Sachin Tendulkar” is a name that will head the list of your favorite cricketers.

18 long years have passed and he still has the enthusiasm that he had as a 16 year old kid. Battling all those physical ailments, he shows the determination of a predator who is ready to kill. His excellent timing, impeccable shots, calm attitude puts him in a class of his own.

In spite of such tremendous success in such a young age, he is still the humble and quiet Sachin that everyone knows. ( Please Sreesanth, take lessons in simplicity from him!)

He converses less on field and lets his bat does the talking. His cover drives, square drives and straight huge sixes leave you spell-bound.

All his critics who shamelessly belittled him after the world cup this year when India was ousted early, have shut their mouths.

All those who felt that the guy was in the final stages of his career must be feeling ashamed of their predictions.

He is back! Back to the top. playing almost every match. Making his contribution even with the ball!


Something is terribly wrong. He has missed 7 centuries this year, getting hopelessly out in the “nervous nineties”. Let’s rename them “sachin nineties”!

Plus, there have been so many other matches in which he has fallen between 75-90 runs.



I bet someone has done black magic on him. Voodoo and all….

Is it a conspiracy by God himself???

If I was not such a scientific person, I might have almost believed that!

How much unlucky can a person get?

Come on God, this guy deserves better than this!

He’s striving so hard. He deserves a century. Look at all that were missed. It’s bad luck!

Perhaps he’ll get a hundred in the final match of the year 2007.

Or perhaps, in 2008, he’ll hit only centuries and centuries!!! (Wow….dream come true)

He is still the modest Sachin. Happy that India won the match and the series after 24 long years.

He cares more about the team than his personal milestones.

I hope this black magic reverses on the people who keep criticizing him needlessly. If you ain’t that great, you have no right to speak ill about him.

AND as fans, we keep hoping……we keep loving….we keep supporting….one amazing hard-working man that goes by the name SACHIN RAMESH TENDULKAR…..